Monday 18 November 2013

'Narcissus' - Winner of Machinina Expo 2013 Grand Jury Prize!

I've been fantastically busy in RL in the last few months and that is likely to continue until after Xmas.
But I just had to log in to say that yesterday Tutsy Navarathna's 'Narcissus' won Machinima Expo 2013!
As I said at the time, 'Narcissus' is one of the finest machinima I have ever seen. It looks like others agree!
Incidentally, of the eleven machinima that went forward to the final "Jury" section of the contest, 'Narcissus' is the only one to have been filmed in Second Life.
Congrats to Tutsy. This is a fantastic achievement!


  1. Not everybody agrees, I hate the movie. But for SL its great and for Tutsy too! And luckely I know he can do a lot better.

    1. Please visit SaveMe's blog to read her own views about 'Narcissus' and the subsequent mayhem and fun arising from them!

  2. Not everybody agrees, I hate the movie. But for SL and Tutsy it's great and luckely I know he can do so much better. At least he made the fools at Machinima Expo happy.
